Rolled into the Econolodge (high class) last night at 8:15 last night. It's amazing to me how hotels insist you send a rooming list then when you get there they take 30 minutes to check you in. Aside from me kicking Rilee in a bit of Guitar Hero it was an uneventful night, at least from my standpoint.
Sunday turned out to be a beautiful day (70degrees) after a cool start (48). Saw Northwestern beat Tennessee 11-3, a pretty ugly game and then Northwestern beat Oklahoma 1-0. It was nice to sit in the sun and watch some pretty good ball.
It's rapidly becoming a tradition to hold our first practice on the crappiest field we can find. Last year, in Dallas, we practiced at a private high school. Boyd and I pulled a drag around the field to smooth it out as best we could. The outfield was a bit rough and to top it off there were gale force winds. It seems to me a couple of the infielders took some wicked hops of the dirt.
Today, after driving around for 45 minutes we could only find a high school baseball field. It was freshly dragged but I can’t imagine any baseball team had played there in a long time; a bit rough to say the least. I think the outfield had it worse, trying to navigate sections of dirt and clumps of grass. Funny thing is no one seemed to mind considering it was 70 and sunny and it wasn’t the Wellness Center. There should be no complaints the remainder of the year of bad fields and bad hops after practice on that field.
Tomorrow we are off to Dallas.
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